This post is about metal bands.
Two bands that I enjoy more and more every time I listen to them, yet often forget about almost completely for months at a time, are Megadeth and Angra. This is, however, one of the few things the two bands have in common.
Megadeth are the oft-overlooked counterpart to Metallica as far as iconic bands of the bay area thrash scene in the 80s. For some reason, Metallica were the ones who got all the notoriety in the long run. But the fact is, I can't think of many standards by which Metallica are anywhere near as good a band as Megadeth. Now, this is not to say that it surprises me that Metallica are the more noticed band despite being the lesser; indeed, such things are quite predictable as far as music, or pretty much anything else goes. It's just a statement of fact: Megadeth could kick Metallica's ass on just about any matter, with the exception of average song length.
One of the reasons I think I enjoy Megadeth so much is, believe it or not, the vocals. Dave Mustaine is renowned for not being a very good singer, and many are put off by him. But! for me, singers like Mustaine make a positive point to me: even I could be a singer in a metal band*. Also, Mustaine is one of the few vocalists in metal -- or really, at all -- whose lyrics catch my attention and interest me. Clever, occasionally punny, and more than your average "kill die rock" of thrash lyrics.
Angra are a band I've known about for years, but only come to truly appreciate with time**. They are, by all means, one of the smoothest power metal bands I've ever enjoyed. Their sound is intricate and innovative, and their music always leaves you feeling good. They are at once mellow and rocking, and have gotten steadily better at being so over the years. They blend modern and classic metal and rock sounds as masterfully as any band I've ever heard.
*The same goes for Kai Hansen of Helloween/Gamma Ray, Matti of Skepticism, and Geddy Lee of Rush. It should be noted, however, that Dani Filth's vocals give me no such consolation because I just hate him and his stupid band.
**This is always a sign to me that a band is truly good. I tend to have much more respect for aquired musical tastes than music that is immediately good, as the latter's appeal doesn't usually last as long.
Labels: music