Friday, March 14, 2008

Not Cool

Iced Earth are releasing new material with old singer Matt Barlow. Generally, I could give half a shit about this turn of events, as Iced Earth bore me stupid, kings as they are of the dullest brand of power metal. But one thing struck me in particular about their upcoming single, "I Walk Among You." Specifically, the release along with it of an iTunes only track called "A Charge to Keep." If the phrase means nothing to you, I suggest Googling it and seeing what the first thing to come up is.

I knew they were big American ape men, but really? Did they really see fit to do this? This makes me feel dirty for having ever owned their material or seen them live.

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Anonymous Mortimer said...

The hell? Maybe Iced Earth means that you have to pay a monthly fee to keep that song...

Also, I found the blurbs about that book to be kind of hilariously naive, because they were obviously written before Bush was elected.

11:24 PM  

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