Michael Clauss
Current research - Current teaching - About Mike

Courses I have Taught or TA'd

Fall 2016 Linguistics 190: Language Acquisition and Human Nature (Teaching Assistant) at University of Massachusetts
Fall 2015 Linguistics 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (Teaching Associate) at University of Massachusetts
Spring 2014 & 2015 Linguistics 411: Introduction to Language Acquisition (Teaching Assistant) at University of Massachusetts
Fall 2013 Linguistics 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (Teaching Associate) at University of Massachusetts
Spring 2013 Linguistics 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory (Teaching Assistant) at University of Massachusetts
Fall 2012 Linguistics 101: People and their Language (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2010 - Spring 2011 Linguistics 102: Introduction to the Study of Language (Instructor) at University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Winter 2007 Sociology 215: Social Statistics (Teaching Assistant) at Western Washington University

Here you can see a copy of a syllabus from an intro linguistics class I recently taught and notes from an introductory lecture, in case you are interested in learning about my teaching style, or if you'd just like to see a brief primer on linguistic theory. The FAQ on this site is also a pretty good resource for that, or at least I would like to think it is.
Syllabus A summary of the schedule, policies, and expectations of the class! What like you don't know?
Lecture Notes 9/8 An introduction to the principles behind a theory of linguistic structure; a sort of road map for the whole course.

Email me! mclauss+AT+linguist.umass.edu
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